37th ICSSC Conference

Space Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Systems in the 5G Era

37th ICSSC Conference

The 37th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) and its Colloquium, one of the most influential technical conferences on satellite communications systems, will be held in Okinawa, Japan from Tuesday October 29th through Friday November 1st, 2019.

The first day, Tuesday, October 29th, is dedicated to the Colloquium which is entitled Disruptive Expansion of Space Laser Communications. The Colloquium complements the ICSSC’s technical sessions and panels and attendance requires a separate registration.

The 37th ICSSC technical sessions and panels, scheduled from Wednesday, October 30th through Friday, November 1st are under the joint conference theme of Space Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Systems in the 5G Era. The theme of the 37th ICSSC is Ensuring a Realistic Migration, Harmonization and Integration of Space Based Communications Facilities Within the 5G Network. Satellite communication industries in the Asia-Pacific region and their activities will be presented during this AIAA Co-Sponsored conference.

With the continued transformation and the rapidly emerging introduction of 5G, the 37th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference has solicited papers in all areas of activity covering the following topics:

  • New/Emerging Satellite Architectures and Concepts
    • NGSO Constellations (Technology, System Complexity, Economic Viability)
    • Stratospheric Platforms (Technology, Missions and Market Perspectives)
    • Small Satellites (Technology, Missions, Flight Results and Market Perspectives)
    • Telecommunications Systems and Technology for Space Exploration (Moon, Mars and beyond)
    • Hosted Payloads
    • Digital Broadcast Platforms (Satellite and User Segment Technologies and Market Perspectives
  • New Satellite Component Technology
    • High-Speed Optical Communications
    • Optical Payload Technologies
    • Optical Feeder Link technologies and systems
    • Network Protocols (Advanced Coding and Latency Provision)
    • Cognitive Communication Networks
    • Antenna Technology, Reconfigurable Antennas, Active Direct Radiating Array
    • Q/V Band Technology, Experiments and Systems
    • High Speed Onboard Processing and Digital Payload Architecture and Technologies

  • Satellite Systems Research and Technology Development
    • Security (Physical Layer Through Network Layer)
    • Propagation Research Including Measurement and Modelling
    • Spectrum for New Services
    • Advanced NGSO and GSO inter-system, intra-system, interference mitigation techniques 
    • Advanced Digital Payloads and Adaptive Transmit Power Allocation enabling Flexible HTS systems
    • Modular System Design
    • Systems Modelling, Market Assessment and Technology Forecasts
    • Integrated Applications and Services (Telecom, Earth Observation and Navigation)
    • 5G Integration into Satellite Networks
    • Ultra-High Data Rate Modems Power and BW Efficient Modulation

  • New Satellite Markets
    • UTM (UAS Traffic Management)
    • Smart Cars/Smart Cities (Large Scale IoT)
    • Autonomous Vessels
    • Air Traffic Management, In-flight Entertainment, Airline Operations
    • Package Delivery via Drones
    • Consumer satellite broadband in the era of 5G terrestrial rollout
    • Potential new or emerging applications to reinvigorate FSS-MSS growth
    • Launch Services
    • Commercialization of Space (Tourism and Exploration)
June 30th, 2019 July 19th, 2019 September 27th, 2019

The ICSSC 2019 Conference Program website page is here. Submit your Abstract here. You’re urged to register your interest here to receive information updates prior to the conference – no obligations or commitments!

Information & Inquiries should be directed to ICSSC Conference General Chair : icssc2019org@gmail.com

A PDF file of the Conference Program can be downloaded via the Download button below:

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