
If you want to contact Satellite Spy then the easiest way is via the “Speak your Mind” form below, and I’ll get back to you by email. All comments are moderated so your comment/feedback won’t be published unless it’s something that’s non-private and of help to folks in general.

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2 comments on “Contact

  1. keith on said:

    Hello from Colorado,

    You mention the website and I’ve been using it as a great learning resource for a few years now.

    Their site seems to be down as of May and hasn’t come back.

    Do you have any idea what happened to it, where they may have moved to and if anyone else has a similar site?

    Any help would be swell.

    All the best!

    – Keith

    Colorado Springs, CO, USA

    • Satellite Spy on said:

      Hi Keith,

      Hello from Queensland Australia and many thanks for getting in touch on my Satellite Spy website about

      Looks like it’s folded and they’re trying to sell the domain name – See
      You can check when this happened if you visit the Wayback Machine website. It was certainly live on 30th January but I haven’t checked any dates after that.

      I’ve updated my page to indicate the loss of that really good resource and thank you very much indeed for letting me know.
      Similarly, AGI appear to have pulled their free SpaceBook satellite viewer.

      Have a look at where you can find a lot of information.

      Hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

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