Specific IOT Experience





Classical Repeater Tests for the OTS Satellite Payload

Development of the test methods and test procedures for 10 classical repeater tests for the OTS communications payload. In addition:

  • Initial Switch-on of Transponders
  • OTS Reference Configuration
  • Eclipse Tests
  • Routine Tests

Also, execution of the In-orbit tests and production of Volumes 1 and 3 of the European Space Agency (ESA) publication "Report on In-orbit Measurements with OTS".

Specific Tests and OTS Anomaly Investigations

These included:

  • Satellite Control & Test Station (SCTS) Overdrive Capability
  • SCTS Antenna Tests
  • OTS-2 Beacon Levels
  • OTS Module B Anomaly Investigations

Planning and Procurement of Test Facilities

Responsible for the procurement of some 6 racks of test equipment and their installation and commissioning at ESA's Satellite Control & Test Station (SCTS), hosted by Telespazio at their Fucino earth station complex, Italy.

In addition, carrying out modifications and calibrating the SCTS Antenna feed, LNA and HPA subsystems to improve measurement accuracy.

In-orbit Acceptance Testing of the ECS Satellite

Responsible for planning the in-orbit acceptance testing of the ECS satellites, and negotiating the handover criteria of the satellites from ESA to EUTELSAT for operational use. This involved:

  • Planning and development of the test programme, test methods, test procedures and data analysis procedures
  • Establishing the role of two fixed earth stations (TMS1 and TMS2) and a number of transportable TMS3 earth stations
  • Re-design, refurbishment and calibration of the 3-metre TMS2 earth station

In-orbit Testing of the OLYMPUS Satellite

Execution of a study under contract to ESA on the in-orbit antenna testing of the OLYMPUS Specialised Services payload. Among other things, the multi-beam antenna of this payload supported SS-TDMA operation.

Following the succesful launch of OLYMPUS, I was contracted by ESA to prepare the document The Use and Performance Characteristics of the OLYMPUS Satellite. This was the Satellite Users' Guide for all the organisations accessing the satellite.

Design of an In-orbit Test System for the BSB Satellite

Involvement in the design of a computer-controlled in-orbit test system for the BSB satellite.

Antenna Footprint Monitoring System for the BSB Satellite

System design of a novel fade-compensating fluxmeter. A number of these fluxmeters were located around the periphery of the UK and linked to a central station.

The system accurately measured the BSB satellite antenna footprint on the UK, permitting the satellite antenna beam to be correctly aimed at all times, irrespective of the varying propagation conditions at each fluxmeter.

Group Delay Test Set for SKYNET Satellites

System design of a computer-controlled group delay test set for the in-orbit testing of the SKYNET satellites.

Burst-mode Group Delay Test Set

Outline design of a burst-mode group delay test set for the alignment of multiple TDMA earth stations accessing a satellite transponder.

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