Welcome to the Australian Space Agency

Welcome to the Australian Space Agency!

The following is the very first Newsletter issued by the brand new Australian Space Agency

The Agency is keen to engage with individuals and businesses across the World so we would ask you to Subscribe to our Newsletter.  After you have subscribed then please read and be inspired by this very first, historic newsletter …

Two months in, from Dr Megan Clark AC

The Australian Space Agency has been operational for just 60 days. In that time, space legislation passed both Houses of Parliament, we’ve held industry forums across the country in each state and territory, and convened a national Space Coordination Committee.

Last Saturday our first international Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in Sydney, joining with France to build space industry capability. Civil space engagement initiatives like this with the French Space Agency (CNES) will explore advanced space technology and applications used in earth observation and remote sensing with satellites and high-altitude balloons, space operations and joint missions.

Pictured: Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) President, Dr Jean-Yves Le Gall.CNES with Head of the Australian Space Agency, Dr Megan Clark AC.

Space Regulation

The Space Activities Amendment (Launches and Returns) Act 2018responds to advances in technology, ensuring Australia’s space regulation supports the growth of our capabilities. The Act will commence within 12 months, following the development of subordinate legislation. Anthony Murfett, Deputy Head of the Australian Space Agency said, ‘We look forward to developing the framework and working with industry on creating an environment that supports growth, while ensuring safe and responsible activities.’

Industry Forums

A big thank you to those 750 individuals and organisations who we met at our recent State and Territory Industry Consultative Forums. Your feedback is being used to contribute to developing the Australian space sector and the broader economy.

Pictured: Melbourne Consultations

69th IAC Bremen

Looking forward to seeing many of you at the 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany 1-5 Oct 2018.
We’ve partnered with some of the best Australian industry has to offer in space, including the Aerospace Maritime and Defence Foundation of Australia. Register >

In the news
The launch of the Australian Space Agency has captured attention across our nation and the world. If you missed seeing our Head of Agency, Dr Megan Clark AC in the media over the last few weeks, you can catch up right here.Watch Dr Clark on the ABC’s 7.30 Report and SBS News this month.

Stories from across the nation

Highlighting achievements and stories from the space sector.

Electro Optic Systems has achieved significant milestones in its space business in the key activity area of space situation awareness (SSA). The space tracking site at Learmonth, WA achieved initial operations in February 2018, and is now complete.

The Agency acknowledges the successful static test fire of Gilmore Space Corp’s hybrid rockets and the opening of Fleet Space Technology’s ground station. These are an example of some of the great space-related activities underway in Australia.

Copyright © 2018 Australian Space Agency, All rights reserved.

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Australian Space Agency

GPO Box 2013

CanberraACT 2601


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