Following and Commenting

From 1st October 2011 the specifics of the next four paragraphs in italics no longer apply, following the move to this new website. The rest do – because I can’t change history!

[A couple of people have had questions about following and posting comments on the blog.

If you want to follow, then click the blue-background ‘Join this site’ button on the right. That should take you to some sign-up options. You can then follow using your Google, Yahoo or Twitter sign-ins.

If you’re already a Blogger member you can sign in via the ‘Already a member’ link underneath the Followers’ pictures.

I’ve tried to set this up so that only Followers can post comments. To post a comment click the “n comments” link underneath the blog post text. Right now, it’s set up so that I have the option to moderate all comments. Why? Well there are a few folks I know where the language could become somewhat florid! Let’s see how it goes.]

Now, I hope the above is clear and that I’ve set things up correctly. I’m not very good with programming things like TV remotes or DVD recorders. In fact, I shouldn’t really be let loose on any equipment or control mechanisms at all.

I remember once carrying out some antenna pattern tests on a geostationary communications satellite 36,000 km up and located over the equator at a few degrees East. Some users thought the downlink power wasn’t what it should have been:
“Let’s nudge the satellite pitch axis a bit and see if we can check the transmit antenna gain roll-off”.
“OK, that’s good. The downlink EIRP (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power) decreased by 0.7dB. Let’s nudge the pitch by another 1.0 degrees and see what it does”.
“OK, that’s good. The EIRP is down by another 1.1dB. Let’s nudge the pitch by another 1.0 degrees and see what we get”.
“Oh s**t – we’ve lost the spacecraft!”.

A couple of the IRESs (infrared earth sensors) lost Earth-lock, the on-board AOCS (Attitude & Orbit Control System) panicked and initiated an Emergency Sun Acquisition, which caused the satellite to flip onto its back and track the Sun. How embarrassing!
(More details on this and how we recovered the satellite will be in a later Post).

I hope you have better luck with Following and Commenting.

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