Communications Transmission Analysis for the ESA OTS and EUTELSAT ECS Satellite Systems | Carried out the transmission analysis of the QPSK/TDMA systems for the OTS and ECS satellite communications systems during a two year period. This included :
Some Papers produced on the OTS and ECS Transmission Design | Some of the papers produced include:
Design of a Variable Data Rate High Speed Burst-mode QPSK Modem | The design of this modem was for a Government customer. |
Design of a Hybrid TDMA system | Carried out the detailed design of a Hybrid TDMA system for a European PTT Administration. |
Training Materials and Training for the INTELSAT 120 MBit/s TDM/DSI System | A large amount of work was carried out on the INTELSAT 120MBit/s TDMA/DSI system. See link here for details. |
Technical Specifications and Design of a 2-way TDMA VSAT System | Preparation of detailed technical specifications and the design of critical elements of a 2-way TDMA VSAT system for a Government customer. This ranged from all of the processing and algorithms in the hub station to items such as the effects of phase noise on the acquisition performance of the VSAT terminals. |