Welcome to Satellite Spy's MySatForum™
This is the place where the satellite communications community comes together to share issues, discuss topics, ask questions, learn, request help from fellow professionals or even look for a new job. It's an open forum so all are welcome, whether you're an experienced practitioner, a domain expert, a newbie, a student or just browsing.
To access and use the forum you'll first need to register as a member of the MySatelliteSpy™ community. Why not go ahead and do that right now here
This month's MySatForum™ Sponsor is ...
The Satcoms Innovation Group (SIG) aims to promote innovation in the satellite communication industry to improve operational efficiency and reduce impact, saving time and money.
September 21, 2011
Are you a Jobseeker looking to advance your career, or are you a Company or Recruiter needing to find "just the right person" to fill a role?
MySatJobs™ forum is the place for Recruiters to advertise vacant positions in the space, aerospace, defense and telecommunications fields.
'Guest' Jobseekers can peruse the forum, whereas MySatelliteSpy™ members will be able to post replies and interact with Recruiters, as well as post their own "Position Wanted" topics.
To register for the this forum go to this page here: https://www.satellitespy.net/my.....lite-jobs/
What's stopping you? Go ahead and get started ...
1 Guest(s)