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September 21, 2011
The term "Ka-Band" means different things to different people. The formal definition just states the ITU-prescribed frequency bands, but in a satellite communications context it becomes much more complex. It's not just the allocated frequencies, but the dramatic impact that the use of these bands has today and tomorrow on the whole satcoms industry.
I've worked with, developed and manufactured Ka-Band earth stations since the late 1980s. I wrote the Users' Guide "The Use and Performance Characteristics of the OLYMPUS Satellite" for The European Space Agency (ESA) in June 1990 (see https://www.satellitespy.net/in.....lications/ )
There are many publications which address these issues, but the best I have encountered is here: https://www.satellitespy.net/go/kabwp . Download and read the Whitepaper "Ka-band" which will tell you all you need to know.
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