Recommended Books

This is my pick of the best satellite communications books and books on related topics such as maths, physics, signal processing, statistics, microwave engineering, antennas, radar, electronic warfare, astronomy, radio-astronomy …..

When it comes to books there’s no better way to have them than on the amazing Amazon Kindle eBook Reader. I have one, it’s brilliant and why I’m really happy to promote it!
The battery lasts for weeks; you can send your own PDF, Word, HTML etc documents to it; you can add your own notes & bookmarks; it stores some 3,000 books; more … Go read about all of the Kindle‘s features using one of the links below.
And yes, before you ask, I do receive a small commission if you buy from Amazon via the links on this site.
Personal recommendation: If you do buy a Kindle then the case with the built-in light is really worth having, even though it’s pricey. Great on a dark plane or reading in bed.


Right, here we go with my book recommendations:


There are some very good books that are not available from Amazon, and I’ll add those separately when I have a bit more time. I’ve initially focused on Amazon-available books so as to present a large selection in a concise, informative manner.
It’s worth noting that what I spend on books in a month more than outweighs any Amazon commissions over a year!

Bob Gough/Carrick Communications Ltd is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to the following sites:,,,,,,,