The Précis – Space Law & Policy Solutions

The Précis is a space law and policy letter offered by Space Law & Policy Solutions, which was founded and is run by my trusted colleague and legal eagle Michael J Listner.

The Précis - Space law and policy letter

The Précis culls through the plethora of information regarding the space industry and provides crisp overview and analysis of cogent space law and policy issues. The Précis cuts through the hyperbole in the space legal and policy environment and hones in on the critical issues affecting international law and the outer space community and provides realistic, clear perspective for government, the media, the commercial space sector, investors, space advocates and academia.

The Précis is published quarterly with special issues interspersed on significant matters in space law and policy delivered directly to one’s email to provide solid analysis and perspective not found in other publications. I subscribe to the Précis myself and I’ve been very impressed with the detail and well-researched facts presented.

Here’s a link to The Précis if you want to explore it yourself.

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