Media Relations Focal Point for the AIAA’s CMSTC

The following press release issued on 17th November 2015 concerns my appointment by the AIAA Communications Systems Technical Committee (CMSTC) as Chair of their Media Relations subcommittee:


AIAA-logo_newTag_CMYK(130x50)To fulfil the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ (AIAA) vision and mission and live up to the words “Shaping the Future of Aerospace”, the Institute’s strategic imperatives are: to develop and expand our community; to strengthen our existing community; and to deliver exceptional results.

CMSTC is the acronym for the Communications Systems Technical Committee, one of a number of technical committees of the AIAA. The activities of the CMSTC are varied and, as the name suggests, are largely technical in nature. Taking on board the Institute’s strategic imperatives the CMSTC took the decision to establish a focal point for its communications with the media so that it can proactively expand and strengthen its largely engineering based community.

As a result the CMSTC now has a new subcommittee entitled Media Relations.

The CMSTC is delighted to announce the appointment of Bob Gough as the Chair of the Media Relations subcommittee. Bob has spent his whole career in satellite communications, starting as a communications systems engineer with the European Space Agency (ESA) where he worked on some of the very first 3-axis stabilised Ku-Band satellites.

Since then Bob has founded and grown two successful satellite communications companies and has been technically involved in almost all aspects of satellite communications. In addition, Bob has been in senior business development positions with large, public communications, software and defense companies and is still actively involved on projects in an engineering capacity.

Following the highly successful 33rd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference ICSSC 2015 held on the Gold Coast, Australia, Bob’s first goal will be to ensure that next year’s Joint Conference on Communications Satellite Systems to be held in Cleveland, Ohio in October 2016 becomes the highlight Satcoms conference of 2016. To that end he will seek to increase the number and quality of papers submitted and to increase the number of conference participants.

Bob can be contacted in the first instance via his personal website contact form here.

Issued by:
Communications Systems Technical Committee CMSTC
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
12700 Sunrise Valley Drive
Suite 200
Reston, VA 20191-5807, USA

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