Joint 22nd Ka & 34th ICSSC Conference

The Joint 22nd Ka/34th ICSSC Conference will take place in Cleveland, Ohio at the Renaissance Hotel on October 17 to 20, 2016.

Given it is 50 years since the first ICSSC was held, the theme of the Joint Conference will be Communications Satellite Systems: A look back at the first fifty years and thoughts on the next fifty and it will bring together a number of satellite experts that will highlight the achievements of the past and present their view of what can be expected in the future.

Joint 22nd Ka/34th ICSSC Conference

Significant events during the Conference are the Colloquium on October 17 that addresses Commercial Broadband Technologies and their Application to Next Generation Space Exploration Networks jointly chaired by NASA and Airbus and the conference Opening Keynote address on the morning of October 18 How Will Human Space Exploration Evolve Over the Next 50 Years? delivered by Jason Crusan, Director, Advanced Exploration Systems, NASA HQ, USA.

Also featured during the conference are the Broadsky Workshop Opening ways to deep space sponsored by NICT on October 18, and conference plenary panels:

  • Communications Satellite Systems: A Look Back at the First Fifty Years and Thoughts on the Next 50 on October 18th
  • Space Debris on October 19th
  • Paradigm Change: Big LEOs in a GEO World on October 20th

The technical program will feature over 150 papers on all aspects of satellite technology, including papers on Q/V Communications and Propagation experiments being conducted in Europe using Alphasat.

For more detailed information on all events, for registration, hotel reservations (early bird rates close on 25th September!), travel information and social events please visit the Joint Conference web site (

To learn more about the AIAA’s CMSTC and its activities just click on the logo below:

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