Satcom September – ICSSC 2015

So what is ICSSC 2015 and why is it one of the most prestigious events in the satellite communications calendar?

aiaa_logoThe AIAA ICSSC conference is held at a different location every year and each event focuses on a specific, relevant satellite communications theme. The conference papers are predominantly technical and engineering based and attract top-class submissions which are peer-reviewed prior to acceptance.

The previous two conferences were held in San Diego, California and Florence, Italy respectively. This year it’s the turn of Australia and ICSSC 2015 will be the 33rd American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC), to be held at QT Surfers Paradise, 7 Staghorn Avenue, Surfers Paradise, QLD 4217, Australia, from September 7 to 10, 2015.

33rd AIAA ICSSC Conference Website

The 2015 ICSSC conference is co-hosted by Australian based EM Solutions and the AIAA Japan Forum on Satellite Communications with the conference theme High Throughput Satellites, Other Performance Advances and Applications – Keeping Satellites Essential in a Broadband World.
The theme has been chosen to emphasize that, even though fibre networks tend to dominate discussion of broadband telecommunications, this is a wireless world and satellites remain the only platform to offer communications anywhere, anytime.

The conference program which runs over 4 days and includes 70 speakers is available to view online here

The conference itself will be preceded on Monday 7th September by a Colloquium entitled Architectures and Technologies for Next Generation High Throughput Satellite Systems, which will review what will maximize the economic return from the industry’s space investment. The Colloquium will host a panel of experts representing the multiple aspects of ground and satellite architectures, in a workshop-style forum. The Colloquium is structured so attendees can actively engage with the panel, and better learn about how current and future technologies will realize next generation high throughput satellite systems.

The ICSSC 2015 Pre-Conference Colloquium Panelists will include:

• Jacques-Samuel Prolon, General Manager Kacific Broadband Satellites, Emerging Satellite Services
• Andrew Johnson, Managing Partner of the Delta Systems Group formerly Orion, Regional Satellite Services
• David Ball, former CTO Newsat, Global Satellite Solutions
• Hector Fenech, Director of Future Satellite Systems, Eutelsat, Global Satellite Solutions
• Erwin Hudson, VP and Program Manager ViaSat, former CTO Wildblue Communications, Broadband Ground Services
• Rob Singh, VP Business Development and Comm Systems Architect, SSL, Broadband Satellite Systems Manufacturer

Following the Conference a Technical Networking Day has been organised for Thursday, 10th September. Now I’m certain that this will be extremely popular with delegates, particularly those who have not visited Australia before. This day has three completely contrasting venues which must surely cater for all tastes.

It’s a tribute to the conference organisers AST Management Pty Ltd and the conference secretariat to have organised the following three superb events:

Golf - The Glades Gold Club

Golf – The Glades Gold Club

The Glades Golf Club boasts the reputation as one of Australia’s most prestigious resort golf courses and is located right here on the Gold Coast. Designed by champion Australian golfing icon, Greg Norman, the course is typical of his trademark aggressive layouts offering golfers a challenging round of golf within visually stunning surrounds.

Tamborine Tracks Tours - Mt Tamborine National Park

Tamborine Tracks Tours – Mt Tamborine National Park

A fully guided and all-inclusive tour into the Gold Coast Hinterland. Visit Tamborine National parks with an award winning, family run 4WD tour company.
Experience secluded hillside trails, private venues, rainforest, waterfall and stunning panoramic views with a timetable that doesn’t feel rushed but has you seeing as much as you can in the time.

Whale Watching Cruise

Whale Watching Cruise

See the magnificent humpback whales breach. Hear their great tails slap the water. Feel the waves rock the boat. Marvel at their playfulness. Embark on an unforgettable whale watching cruise past homes of the rich & famous to the deep blue waters of the majestic “Humpback Whale Highway”.

Full details can be found here – but how on earth does one choose between them? For me, it’s the Tamborine Tracks Tour. Why? Because it just so happens that I’m lucky enough to live up in that splendid, unspoiled rainforest. I can guarantee that this tour will give international delegates in particular a real feel for “Country Australia” and Australian friendliness and hospitality!

Oh, and speaking of “Country Australia” perhaps this is why OPTUS is the conference Gold Sponsor – they’re keeping both urban and country Australia seamlessly connected together and integrated with the wider world by satellite!

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