Welcome to the New Satellite Spy Website

Welcome to Satellite Spy’s new website at https://satellitespy.net.

For previous followers of the blog when it was located on Blogger – Congratulations! You’ve found its new home.

I’m still fighting a few glitches with the new site, not the least of which is that the Landing page is wrong, coupled with the fact that currently there are two Home pages.

I don’t have the final locations for the different pages nailed down yet, but hopefully that will be sorted out in the next couple of days. When it’s completed I’ll put the correct re-directs onto the old Blogger site so that anybody going there will automatically be pointed here.

The reason for integrating the blog into this new, database-driven website is to enable more features to be added which hopefully will provide a better user experience. The big advantage from a visitor’s point of view is that it will permit lots of interesting, factual stuff to be easily available directly from the blog.

Everyone in the web design/publishing business preaches a golden rule: “Never, ever publish a site until it’s completely finished and thoroughly tested”. Rubbish! If I followed that philosophy you’d never get to read all the interesting stuff here.

Seriously, the site will change, expand and improve as time goes on, so please stick with it.

Finally, for Twitter fans, Satellite Spy’s home on Twitter is @satispy. By all means you can follow here if you like:

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