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The Satcoms Innovation Group (SIG) aims to promote innovation in the satellite communication industry to improve operational efficiency and reduce impact, saving time and money.


September 21, 2011

Some of you might have encountered a MySatelliteSpy Member Login problem of late. Well, it's been fixed!
Logging in via the Forum here has been fine, but any member logging in using the normal Login form elsewhere on the website will have hit "ERROR - Incorrect Password". Those who reset their password will have seen the same error.
I only learned of this a couple of days ago thanks to a member, Chris Benson. He kindly spent some time investigating it and sent me a detailed 'test report'.
I tracked it down to just a minor 'engine room' problem and corrected it today. At no time were your login details, passwords etc. at any risk, so you can relax on that score.
Please accept my apologies if this glitch has caused you any inconvenience.
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