Welcome to Satellite Spy's MySatForum™
This is the place where the satellite communications community comes together to share issues, discuss topics, ask questions, learn, request help from fellow professionals or even look for a new job. It's an open forum so all are welcome, whether you're an experienced practitioner, a domain expert, a newbie, a student or just browsing.
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This month's MySatForum™ Sponsor is ...
The Satcoms Innovation Group (SIG) aims to promote innovation in the satellite communication industry to improve operational efficiency and reduce impact, saving time and money.


September 21, 2011

I suppose it's only appropriate that I post this very first topic, as it was me who set up this meeting place for all folks who have an interest in space, satellites, satellite communications, radio astronomy, deep space communications, astrophysics, RF and microwave engineering, earth stations, VSAT systems, antennas etc etc.
It doesn't matter whether it's a simple question about a link budget, or a detailed debate about the problems of spectral aliasing when using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) in signal processing algorithms.
Let's make this place a real community of people with common interests who wish to learn and share information. It's up to you - it's YOUR community. Dive in at the deep end and contribute!
To register for the forum you first need to become a member of the MySatelliteSpy™ community. Register for free here: https://www.satellitespy.net/in.....llite-spy/
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