SpaceBook Real-time Satellite Viewer

Here’s an interactive, web-based, real-time satellite viewer called SpaceBook®, developed by Analytical Graphics (AGI) and forming an integral part of their Commercial Space Operations Center, ComSpOC®.

SpaceBook® has over 15,000 space objects in it, updated in near real-time, and you can explore them here.

I don’t think you’ll be disappointed! Good work AGI.

Improving space situational awareness is a global concern that is critical for space to remain a viable resource. With the Commercial Space Operations Center, AGI is committed to providing a commercial solution to enhance space situational awareness through detection, tracking and characterization of resident space objects with data obtained from affordable commercial sensors and advanced commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software. The ComSpOC® offers more accuracy and readiness to satellite operators and intelligence analysts than other more costly alternatives, building upon AGI’s experience of developing world-class SSA solutions to ensure the safety of space assets.

Note that SpaceBook® and ComSpOC® are trademarks of Analytical Graphics.

One comment on “SpaceBook Real-time Satellite Viewer

  1. Daniel on said:


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