New Asia-Pacific Editor for SatMagazine + MilsatMagazine

Well, I guess the time has arrived for me to come in from the cold and own up to who I really am!

I’m Dr Bob Gough, managing director of Carrick Communications Ltd, and I’ve just been appointed as the Asia-Pacific Editor for SatMagazine and MilsatMagazine. These are published monthly by the long-established Satnews Publishers, which is arguably the market leading publisher in the field. I’ll be contributing to the Insight and Focus features of both magazines.

I’m really excited by this because, as you’ll have realised, I’m very much into satellite communications and space, and I also like writing – I enjoy trying to paint pictures in readers’ minds.
I’ve got a feeling that this could become an all-consuming activity!

As part of this editorial position, I’m always on the lookout for newsworthy stories, articles and perspectives on the industry, so I’m open to any ideas and enquiries you may have. Please feel free to contact me via the CONTACT page on this Satellite Spy website, which is my personal site.

You can also get me via email, on Twitter @satispy, or via my Facebook page – just use the links on the right of this page.

As a taster, why not have a look at my Insight Feature “Goonhilly, Yesterday, Today + Tomorrow” in the November 2011 issue of SatMagazine? There’s a direct link to it on my 2 November 2011 blog post of the same name on the site here.

Now, you might be thinking “What’s this Carrick Communications company that Bob runs? Who are they and what do they do?”. I won’t bore you with the details here, so if you are interested have a look at the ABOUT page on this site which has a link to the Carrick Communications Ltd website.

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