Year of the Dragon – 龙年





Welcome to the Year of the Dragon!

I hope that this new year will bring good luck to all people in the world.

I don’t speak or write Chinese, so I sincerely hope that the above Chinese text correctly conveys my meaning. If it is wrong in any way then please leave a Comment below – but only in English or French or Dutch or German or Italian or Spanish!

Since the initial posting of this greeting I have received some excellent help and advice about the Chinese language from @gonewind. I must also thank @PalaEksa for facilitating this.
Thank you both so much, and Happy New Year of the Dragon!

2 comments on “Year of the Dragon – 龙年

  1. Xiaoming Li on said:

    It is perfect! There is not any problem with the sentence.

  2. I love the dragon pic here.. uber cute 🙂

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